Category: FO
One Skein Sweater
After much whining about weaving in ends, I finished my sweater last Friday and today we’re having the perfect weather to wear it! I wanted this to use as close to exactly one skein of Yowza as possible, and I ended up having to rip back the bottom band slightly so I could be confident…
Bulky Cowl for Britta
My sister got an I-Owe-You for Christmas knits, and I let her choose between the dog sweater I was originally planning to make and the giant cowl I told her I didn’t have time to knit before Christmas. She chose the giant cowl, and I started it as soon as I could. I cast on…
A Green Hat
I gave the pattern sample for my easy beanie to my cousin who modeled it for me, and then I got to thinking about how nice my other cousin, his brother, had been to me this past year, especially when I hit a few rough patches like when my car broke down outside my Aunt…
A Forgotten FO
I was digging through my accessories drawer, looking for a belt, when I ran across this hat I made, and I realized that I never shared it here! Last spring I had a funny spot on my scalp that had to be removed, and I went to my old dermatologist near my parents to get…
Game Knitting to Legally Blonde
On Friday nights, a cafe in my neighborhood does movie nights, and a bunch of my friends and I go hang out and knit. Last Friday, the movie was Legally Blonde, and because we were all familiar with it, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a little game knitting! Game knitting is a pattern/game…