Tag: sweaters

  • Sweet and Simple

    I finished my sweater this weekend, and I love the way it turned out! I had barely enough yarn to finish it, and I got a little worried towards the end, but I got lucky.  So, compared to the original sweater, there are a few obvious changes. The collar is worked in a different direction,…

  • Body Complete

    I finished my sweater body this weekend. It seems like it went surprisingly quickly, but I dragged this thing with me everywhere I went and was knitting on it every second I got. It doesn’t look like much without the collar because the fronts keep rolling inside. I had a small moment of panic when…

  • Nice Smooth Stockinette

    ‘ I finished redoing the upper back of my sweater this weekend, and it looks a thousand times better. It’s nice and smooth, as it should be. I also managed to finish reading my book this weekend. I mostly just read it on Sundays when I’m hanging out with family at my uncle’s dad’s house…

  • A Sweater Rainbow

    I mentioned a while back that I was making my green cardigan because I realized that if I knit a green sweater, I’d have a rainbow of cropped sweaters. I don’t know why I found that so amusing, but I did so I made the sweater, and here is the little rainbow! It took a few…

  • My Green Cardigan

    I have to admit that this isn’t really a recent FO. I finished this sweater a couple weeks ago, and if you read Katie Canavan’s blog, you might have seen this sweater already because I wore it when we got breakfast while she was visiting Seattle! I wore it nonstop that week, but then I…