Search results for: “miette”

  • Me Made May Days 22-31

    Here is the last batch of Me Made May outfits! I’m amazed that I got all of them photographed and only have two days where I didn’t take a picture of myself wearing the outfit. I really got sick of photographing myself at the end, but I enjoyed the challenge of making myself incorporate something…

  • Me Made May – Days 13-21

    Here’s what I wore! As you can see, I started to fall back into my dress and cardigan routine. It’s just such an easy outfit to put together! Day 13: Summer Top – Day 14: Miette #1 + Cotton Skirt Day 15: Miette #1 + Red Crop Top – Day 16: Red Circle Skirt Day 17:…

  • Me Made May Days 1-2

    I’ve always wanted to participate in Me Made May, but wearing at least one piece of handmade clothing everyday during a warmer month seemed kind of impossible. Although I wear handmade clothing everyday in the winter, I don’t make myself warm-weather pieces very often. On Twitter I was muttering about how I need to sew…

  • FAQ: What Size Sweater Should I Knit?

    I often get emails from people who look at the schematic of a pattern, take their measurements, look at the suggested ease, and find themselves stuck and unsure what size to cast on. Sometimes it’s a case of not fully understanding ease, and in other cases knitters just want confirmation that they’re understanding things correctly…

  • A Sweater Rainbow

    I mentioned a while back that I was making my green cardigan because I realized that if I knit a green sweater, I’d have a rainbow of cropped sweaters. I don’t know why I found that so amusing, but I did so I made the sweater, and here is the little rainbow! It took a few…