Search results for: “miette”

  • Marion – A New Cardigan Pattern

    It took me a while to finish this pattern, but I’m okay with that. Since I bought the yarn for this, I graduated college, found my job, released a few other patterns, and properly settled in to life in Seattle. Not too shabby, right? I originally knit this to wear during Seattle’s cool summer weather,…

  • 3KCBWDay4 – A Knitter or Crocheter For All Seasons?

    Once upon a time, I used to be a seasonal knitter. I’d knit in the fall and the winter, but when warm weather came around I’d leave my needles to sew. As I became more and more interested in knitting, it started to creep into my spring and summer craft time. I’d work on small…

  • Fun With Cables

    One of my professors has a sweater with cables on the sleeves and I kept finding myself distracted by it when she wore it. The cable narrowed and widened and I was fixated on how it was accomplished. I’ve been drawing it all over my notebooks and in my sketch book. I came up with…

  • Answers Pt. 2 – Crafty Stuff

    Why did you want to learn to knit? How did you learn to knit? Who taught you? It was a weird sort of preteen rebellion. My parents thought I sat around watching TV too much and they said I needed to be actively doing something at the same time in order to watch TV. I…

  • Done Done Done

    I finished knitting this guy before I finished the hat I made for my sister, but I didn’t get the buttons sewn on until a week later. I’ve been calling it Agatha (after Agatha Christie of course) on Ravelry, so lets go with that as its name from now on instead of “that other one”.…