Search results for: “miette”

  • 2010 in Crafty Projects

    With the exception of October when I moved to Lancaster, I managed to finish at least one crafty project a month. Some months I finished oodles of projects. It was a good year for me in terms of crafting. I wrote my first knitting pattern. I knit six sweaters. I made Britta 3 hats and…

  • Things Might Get Quiet Around Here

    I meant to get some blogging done this week and to set up some posts for while I am traveling/moving in, but the world is against me! I broke the SD card for my camera and I finally got it replaced, but then I started running around getting ready to leave and haven’t had time…

  • A good day for mail

    Today I got a lot of nice yarn-y stuff in the mail. First, I got my Tea Time sample back from Knit Picks. That was a nice surprise because I hadn’t thought it would get returned to me in time to take it to England. Next I got some yarn that I intentionally ordered so…

  • Tea Time Process

    I got my laptop back, completely repaired this time, and was happy to see that my Tea Time Hat was published and available for purchase on Knit Picks. As excited as I am about it, telling you that it is published and available doesn’t make for an interesting post so I thought I’d tell you…

  • What’s Missing From This Picture?

    What’s missing? Button bands and a neck band. I ran out of yarn. I knew I should have gotten that extra skein of yarn. Oops. Because of this, I’ve already cast on cardigan #3. I’m testing out the smaller size. I’m going to wait to order the last skein I need for the above cardigan…