Today I got a lot of nice yarn-y stuff in the mail.
First, I got my Tea Time sample back from Knit Picks. That was a nice surprise because I hadn’t thought it would get returned to me in time to take it to England.
Next I got some yarn that I intentionally ordered so that I would get it in time to take it to England. Yay planning! You probably won’t be seeing it again for a while because I have a pile of other stuff to knit before I can start on this project.
It’s just Cascade 220, but it’s a weird heather color. It looks really grey-blue inside. It looks like the above picture in average lighting and it looks like the below picture in really bright lighting. I like it. It’s fascinating. When I bought it I thought it would be violating my rule of the year to not knit stuff that doesn’t work in my wardrobe, but now that I have it in person, I’m noticing that it goes with quite a few of my dresses. Yay!
You might be noticing that big blob in the bottom of this picture.
Meet Oliver. He is my sister Britta’s new horse. Unlike our other horses, he doesn’t find my camera interesting at all and is fascinated by my yarn. He sniffed it for a good five minutes until he knocked it off the fence.
Anyways, I bought the yarn so I can attempt Veronica 2.0.
I get messages/e-mails/comments about this sweater and its pattern every once in a while. This was my first proper design and I had meant to write a pattern for it, but I got sick of fiddling with it so I finished the sweater and moved on to something else. It had a lot of design flaws and issues that I was too lazy to fix (Just look at the collar shaping. Bleh.), but it was wearable. I got a message the other day from someone who had knit Miette who was wondering if I was going to write the pattern for Veronica. That got me thinking about the sweater again and it’s been sort of stuck in my brain ever since. I need to finish Audrey in Unst and this other sweater that I’m starting, but hopefully after that I can fix the problems with Veronica and get a pattern written up. A better looking version of this sweater to wear would be nice as well!
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