Category: Life

  • Vogue Knitting Live 2014

    On Saturday my friend and I drove over to Bellevue to go to Vogue Knitting Live Seattle (which was not actually in Seattle). It was the show’s second year here, but it was my first time going, and it was a ton of fun. There was a runway in the market area, and I loved…

  • My Oldest Bamboo Needles

    I’ve recently knit a few super bulky projects which means that I’ve been using the oldest pair of bamboo needles that I own. I love these needles. They’re full of memories and tiny teeth marks. Before I got these, I always used cheap metal needles, but it’s hard to find inexpensive metal needles in larger…

  • Guess who is finally on instagram?

    I’m finally on instagram! My username is AndiSatt like it is most places, and you should follow me there if you’d like to see bits and pieces of my everyday life. If that doesn’t interest you at all, and you couldn’t care less about what I’ve baked recently or what I’m watching while knitting, have…

  • Tolt Yarn and Wool

    On Saturday I went on a little day trip with some of my friends to Tolt Yarn and Wool. We drove the long way around Lake Washington, stopped in Duvall for brunch, and after that it was yarn time! I hadn’t been to Tolt before, and it’s just the cutest shop ever. It was fun…

  • 2014 Goals

    I hope everyone has a happy New Year and had fun on New Year’s Eve. I took a look at last year’s post of plans for 2013, and I think I did quite well with the important ones. 1. Knit More Sweaters — I knit 9! 2. Sew More — I didn’t sew a ton,…