Category: FO

  • A Not So Perfect Skirt

    As I was staring disappointedly at my crooked topstitching and badly inserted zipper last night, I thought to myself, “Well, it’s nice to know that somethings never change.” And then I wondered why I had expected that to have changed. The last time I sewed something that wasn’t a repair job or modification was in…

  • Iz’s Cowl

    One day on Twitter, Iz, Katie and I got to talking about how we never really knit for knitters. We decided that we should do a little swap, and we went with cowls. I knit one for Iz, Iz made one for Katie, and Katie made one for me. Iz got hers in the mail…

  • A Summer Top Just In Time for the End of Summer

    I have an interesting wardrobe because I don’t buy clothing very frequently, and I keep what I do have for ages. There have been a few additions here and there, but for the last couple of years, I’ve devoted most of my shopping to expanding my dress collection. Earlier this year I suddenly realized that…

  • My Yellow Cardigan

    This sweater was so quick and easy to knit that I don’t really have much to say about it! I shouldn’t be too surprised that it was pain free because I’ve knit a few sweaters using this construction method, but I usually change my mind about some design detail and rip everything out when I’m…

  • To Be Frogged

    Well, it’s done. The hip shaping wasn’t draping nicely, but I crossed my fingers and hoped that the magic of blocking would fix everything. Sadly blocking seemed to just highlight the imperfections of the sweater. I’m going to give it a break and work on other projects, but I plan on eventually frogging my sweater…