Tag: WIP
Currently on My Needles
Since we started Stranded, I haven’t had as much time to work on designs for Untangling Knots, but I’ve been slowly working on a few in between other projects. This particular one feels really satisfying to knit because it’s a worsted-weight cropped cardigan, so I can see I’m making progress on it, even when I…
An Easy WIP for Busy Days
Oof! Between getting ready for Stranded Magazine‘s release, working on the Outfit Along pattern, and getting ready to move into a new apartment, it’s been kind of an intense month. I finished all of my work-related knitting and still had knitting time on the bus or out with friends, but what I didn’t have was…
Early Morning Knitting
The sun woke me up much earlier than I would have liked this morning. I don’t feel like I live that far north because our climate is pretty mild, but the truth is hard to ignore when it gets close to the solstice. It’s nice when it stays light out really late, but the trade-off…
Onto Those Sleeves!
It’s been awhile since I last shared this WIP on the blog! I finished the body, and then the sweater got put on hold while I tried to decide on what to do with the sleeves and tried to make some progress on my sweater vest. I finally settled on 3/4 length and got back…
The Back Is Done
It’s very staisfying to have the back of my vest done and to be started on the front. As I mentioned before, I’m doing a bit of a vest knit along with some of my friends, and although a KAL is not a competition, I really don’t want to be the last one finished. It’s…