Tag: Vianne

  • My OAL 2015 Outfit

    My OAL 2015 Outfit

    Despite my dress issues, I’m so very happy with how this outfit turned out. It’s very comfortable and cute, and I’m looking forward to wearing it all of the time. I knit and sewed the official patterns as written. At first I thought I might have to modify Vianne because I couldn’t get row gauge…

  • Nearing the Finish Line

    Nearing the Finish Line

    A lot of finished Viannes are popping up in the OAL thread on Ravelry, but don’t worry if you’re not done yet! We still have three weeks left. I keep reminding myself that I have plenty of time to finish my dress. My own Vianne is coming along nicely. I’m almost done with my second…

  • OAL Update

    OAL Update

    My camera is back in action, so I can finally share my OAL progress again! I’m on my first sleeve on my Vianne, and I’ve just finished the short rows of the sleeve cap. I’m right on track for getting my sweater done in the next two weeks. As for the dress, well, as you…

  • A Modified Stretchy Bind-Off

    A Modified Stretchy Bind-Off

    Although the ribbing on Vianne is super stretchy, it’s easy to find yourself with a waist that’s too tight if you use the wrong bind-off method. On the original sample, I tried the basic chain bind-off, and it was a really bad choice. It looked nice but was nowhere close to as stretchy as I…

  • Casting On Vianne’s Underarms

    Casting On Vianne’s Underarms

    My camera is currently out of commission, so this blog post is a bit later than planned and illustrated! Before you cast on the underarm stitches, your cardigan doesn’t look a whole lot like a cardigan if you lay it out flat, but that’s going to change here. You’re going to knit across the left…