Dog Lady? Yup.

I made a new woolly addition to my cluttered bulletin board.


It’s Bean! Ever since I figured out how to make charts on Illustrator last summer, I’ve been entertaining myself by doodling intarsia charts. Most of them are for knitting patterns that I’d like to write in the future, but some are self-indulgent ones like a chart of my fat dog. At the time, I didn’t think I’d actually use that chart. I generally only knit things to wear and I can’t imagine wearing a sweater with a giant picture of my dog’s face on it.


I was having an “I don’t know what to knit” moment when I realized that I had the right colors leftover from my Alice sweater to work the chart of Bean. I still didn’t know what to knit so I just slapped the intarsia onto a rectangle and bordered it with seed stitch. Voila! A knit portrait of my dog! I might try to find a frame to stick it in when I get back home.







13 responses to “Dog Lady? Yup.”

  1. I love this! Definitely frame worthy ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That is so fab. Great colours and instantly both recognisable and lovable!

    I also really want a pin board. They’re such a top creative accessory!

  3. Aww! What a cutie. How do you make charts on illustrator?

    1. Marnie MacLean has an awesome tutorial on it. That’s how I learned to make them. It’s here:

  4. Aww, I love it! It looks just like him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. That might be the cutest thing ever!

  6. OMG. Must make one of Lily…because you know, a tattoo of her face on my wrist just isn’t enough. Love it!

  7. This is GREAT! Nice work.

  8. that’s so cute ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m going to have to teach myself illustrator so I can knit my doggie a portrait haha!

  9. Whaaat! I love this!

  10. Hi Andy, very cool and creative work.

  11. That would be so cute as a block in a blanket.

  12. Wow! That is just awesome. I hope you don’t use it as a dishcloth! It might be nice as a cuddly pillow. ๐Ÿ™‚

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