Category: Other

  • Silence

    It’s midterms week this week. Boo. The unfortunate part about this midterms week is that I haven’t had time to photograph anything. I have a sweater nicely blocked and waiting to be modeled. I have a pattern for knit hair bows and instructions on how to attach them to hair clips that are waiting for…

  • Sketchy

    The other day Ysolda posted a picture of her sketchbook. It got me thinking about the current state of disaster that is my desk and my current method for drawing and designing my ideas. It’s a pretty bad system. I scribble my drawings in pen on whatever notebook, piece of paper, or Post-It note that…

  • Iā€™m so excited!

    I can’t wait! p.s. thank you to my roommate for lending me your tea set for this photo shoot.

  • Hello There!

    These are my favorite shoes. They’re made by Jeffrey Campbell and have nothing to do with this post. This evening, instead of working on my paper on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, reading Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of Roman Empire, or reading about Christians in Rome, I played around with the new pages…

  • How To Make a Floral Headband

    This is the last of the epic hot glue fest of 2010. I was holding out until it was slightly more season appropriate. I also was trying to decide if I was going to make this a how-to or just a FO post. Materials:Fake flowers – 2 small and 4 large Hot Glue and Glue…