Category: Life

  • Intarsia?

    Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet. I had a bunch of papers due last week and then some I-might-not-get-home-for-Christmas anxiety because I had to fly through Charles de Gaulle. Anyways, I made it home eventually and there was a big box of yarn waiting for me on my bed! I ordered it…

  • Birthday Yarn!

    Today is my birthday and I received an awesome package from my family with cards and presents. The card from my sister gave me a laugh. It said “The Good News: You’re 21! The Bad News: (she scratched out what it actually said and wrote in) You’re in England! No One Cares!” Some how I…

  • Dinner Last Night

    One big change about going to Lancaster Uni is having to cook for myself. I realize that sounds quite silly, but I lived in student housing at Puget Sound and we didn’t have proper kitchens. I ate in the dining hall. I had a night to cook when I was younger, but I pretty much…

  • Here in Lancaster

    I’ve finally gotten settled in at Lancaster University. It took longer than expected due to some extreme jet lag and a sinus infection. Last week I went to the mandatory orientation stuff and then I slept during all of my free time. I think I was sleeping like 16+ hours a day. It was a…

  • Things Might Get Quiet Around Here

    I meant to get some blogging done this week and to set up some posts for while I am traveling/moving in, but the world is against me! I broke the SD card for my camera and I finally got it replaced, but then I started running around getting ready to leave and haven’t had time…