Category: FO

  • My Basic Purse

    This is the third incarnation of this purse. I made a similar one as a present for a friend when I was a junior in high school. I made some changes that suit my own purse habits and made myself this version of the bag. It still had problems (like I didn’t put a zipper…

  • Oblique

    This is one FO post that should of happened a long time ago. I cast on sometime between Christmas and New Years. The yarn was a Christmas present. I hammered out the back in two weeks or something? It was really quick. I kind of lost my focus and didn’t finish the knitting until the…

  • Moustache Necklace

    My friend had a moustache party so I threw together this bad boy. For those of you that have ‘stache envy, here is a quick explanation of what I did. Materials: Aran weight yarn. I used Vanna’s Choice2 Coordinating Pipe CleanersA chain that was long enough to fit over my head2 8mm rings3.75 mm needles.…

  • Cream Puff

    Sorry about the lack of real updates. I’ve been feeling crappy which means that I haven’t been feeling too photogenic. That means not a lot of blogging but lots of knitting. Today I was feeling better so… On to the knits! This is a hat I made. My friend in our Uni knitting group was…

  • Red Vine

    I could have sworn that I blogged about this hat ages ago! These pictures are about a month old. Today was rainy yet again so I wore this bad boy. I hate wearing hoods so I usually wear wool hats. They keep my hair just as dry. The hat is another original design. It was…