Tag: movies

  • Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

    I really felt like this list could use some 80s cheese, but I had a surprisingly hard time coming up with something that wasn’t a classic. Does anyone really need to be told that Ghostbusters and Poltergeist are fun ghost movies? I think not. In the end I decided to go with a classic character,…

  • The Innkeepers

    Who doesn’t love a haunted hotel? They’re right up there with haunted ships when it comes to ghost movies, and The Innkeepers fits nicely into that category. It’s about two hotel employees who are working the last few nights before the hotel closes. They’re both interested in ghosts, and this is their last opportunity to…

  • The Frighteners

    Oh, Peter Jackson! I have such complicated feelings about his work. I used to call myself a fan, but now I have a hard time saying that. I love everything Peter Jackson made before Lord of the Rings won a bunch of Oscars (the stuff he made after is another story), and The Frighteners is…

  • Below

    Can you believe it’s October already? It seemed to sneak up out of nowhere, but I’m happy it’s here because that means it’s time for one of my favorite blogs series, a Month of Horrible Movies! I don’t restrict my horror-movie watching to just October– I love watching horror movies while I knit– but October…

  • The Haunting

    Happy Halloween, everyone! To wrap up this year’s month of horrible movies, we have one of my favorite old haunted house movies: The Haunting. Despite the over the top acting and bad voice over, this movie is exceptionally good at building tension and using sound effects at just the right moment. It strikes the right…