Tag: hats

  • A Green Hat

    I gave the pattern sample for my easy beanie to my cousin who modeled it for me, and then I got to thinking about how nice my other cousin, his brother, had been to me this past year, especially when I hit a few rough patches like when my car broke down outside my Aunt…

  • New Free Pattern: An Easy Beanie

    I’m starting the New Year off with a bang, and I’ve got a new free pattern out on Tuts+ today! It’s for a basic beanie with a textured stitch pattern, knit in Cascade 220 on 5 mm needles. You can add it to your queue on the beanie’s Ravelry page. Meet my cousin/roommate Carl! Tuts+…

  • Getting Everything on the Needles

    I’m still working on my little pattern collection. I recently finished writing five of the patterns, and I got a little over enthusiastic about starting them. I now have 4/5 of the projects on the needles or done. It’s good progress, but now I find myself trying to brainstorm a sixth pattern to round out…

  • Tea Talk: An Interview with Alex Tinsley

    This is the first in a series of bimonthly interviews with creative people! I wanted to start off with a bang, so with a big mug of tea by my side, I interviewed my favorite designer to follow on Twitter, Alex Tinsley. Alex specializes in hats and accessories, and she always has a witty remark…

  • Game Knitting to Legally Blonde

    On Friday nights, a cafe in my neighborhood does movie nights, and a bunch of my friends and I go hang out and knit. Last Friday, the movie was Legally Blonde, and because we were all familiar with it, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a little game knitting! Game knitting is a pattern/game…