Tag: Design
Iz: A New Cowl Pattern
Every year I think to myself, “I’m going to do something fun for the holidays on my blog.” After that, I promptly forget about it until it’s too late to plan anything. But not this year! I thought it would be fun to share three of my personal patterns, stuff I made just for myself…
Chuck – A New Sweater Pattern
Can you believe that I almost forgot about this? I opened my date book to September for the first time last week, and I saw that I penciled in releasing this pattern. Things have been busy, and can you imagine how long it would take me to publish this if I hadn’t written myself a…
It’s done! It’s been edited by me, tech edited, and test knit so I guess it’s time to let my pattern out into the world. It ended up being 12 pages long. I wanted to try to get it under 10 pages, but I would rather avoid “at the same time”s and “reverse shaping for…
Done Done Done
I finished knitting this guy before I finished the hat I made for my sister, but I didn’t get the buttons sewn on until a week later. I’ve been calling it Agatha (after Agatha Christie of course) on Ravelry, so lets go with that as its name from now on instead of “that other one”.…
Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet. I had a bunch of papers due last week and then some I-might-not-get-home-for-Christmas anxiety because I had to fly through Charles de Gaulle. Anyways, I made it home eventually and there was a big box of yarn waiting for me on my bed! I ordered it…