Plaid Wool Circle Skirt

I’ve got one more old project to share with you, and this one happens to also be inspired by Call the Midwife. Around the same time that I decided I needed a burgundy cardigan, I realized that a plaid, wool, circle skirt would fit well into my wardrobe. One of the characters on that show wears one when she’s off work, and I fell in love with it and wanted to make my own. I told my mom that I was on the lookout for the right fabric for it, and she bought me this plaid wool for my birthday in 2013.

Wool_Circle_skirt_01 Wool_Circle_skirt_02

The wool sat around in my stash until September or October of 2014 when I dug the fabric out to finally sew it into a skirt. I got most of it assembled, but then I put it aside to work on my Halloween costume. And then I didn’t sew for months. I finally got it back out last Saturday to finish it up. It just needed me to insert a zipper, fold over the waistband, and add a hem. I did a simple hem using bias tape, and the skirt was done in only a few hours. It’s silly how long it took me to finish it when there was so little left to do, but at least it’s done now. I suspect that it will get worn quite a bit.







21 responses to “Plaid Wool Circle Skirt”

  1. Amy

    That is adorable!

  2. That’s really cute-and definitely looks like something that will get a lot of wear!

  3. Super cute!! I see that going so well with your burgundy cardigan!!!

    Katie =^..^=

  4. Alyssa

    This skirt is adorable! Great job. I’ve been meaning to get back into sewing, myself.

  5. Constance

    I really like this skirt. Plaid wool skirts are the best. And I agree with Katie, this will look great with your burgundy cardigan.

    I am also inspired by the wardrobe from Call the Midwife. Pure inspiration.

  6. What a beautiful skirt Andi! Well done! Series such as Call the Midwife form a constant source of inspiration, your skirt serves as a good reminder to do something with that inspiration!

  7. You did a fantastic job matching the plaid at the waist band!! Well done ๐Ÿ™‚ p.s. I find Call The Midwife to be a great source of sewing inspiration too!

  8. Beth

    It looks wonderful on you!
    Amazing the difference a generation makes – I had to wear one to high school so now wouldn’t put one on for love or money, ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ve stuck with 50’s styles all my life as they are a gift to an hourglass figure. It is lovely to see young women reviving those classic styles and realising just how good they look on.
    Have you watched the George Gently series? The first few episodes are set in that transitional period of the early 60’s so you get to see the older ladies wearing 50′ styles and the younger ones in their ‘shocking’ 60’s frocks. Another good one for the glamour years of fashion is Foyle’s War. So many cute little cardigans and wonderful twin sets, lol.

    1. I haven’t seen George Gently, but I loved Foyle’s War! The costumes are so good on that show, too.

  9. I haven’t watched Call of the Midwife, but I love the skirt!

  10. Oh, I love it! That lenght is so flattering : )

  11. irene

    OKE, that’s it!! I love it.. I made a jumper (40’s pattern) with circle skirt , but it is al dress, in plaid, then i made the winterjumper (gerties book) in plaid..and i made a wrapdress in plaid and i still have 1 plaid fabric left…had no clue what to make, was thinking of a second jumper with circle skirt…but it is just going to be the skirt…do not have a circle skirt in plaid yet…

    Yours is absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for making up my mind…;-)

  12. I love it and I love Call the Midwife!!! I might need a few more circle skirts in my life!

  13. Kaeleigh

    Love the skirt! Actually the whole outfit looks pretty good ๐Ÿ™‚ Makes me miss my sewing machine something fierce.

  14. Awesome! Curious to what pattern you used.

    1. I don’t use patterns for circle skirts. I just cut out two half circles with seam allowance and two rectangles and go from there.

      1. Wow! I’ll have to try that, turned out great! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. You look super cute in the skirt!! I need to watch Call the Midwife again, there so may nice simple pieces I could make for myself!

  16. I know the skirt you mean from the series because it also inspired me to make my own, but mine is just a half-circle skirt! And like you it’s like it’s taking forever. I still need to finish the waist and hem it.

    I love your version, it reminds me of Jenny’s skirt.

    1. Hems on full skirts take so long, especially if you do a nice one. I always intend on doing a prettier hem, but when it comes down to it, I end up using bias tape to speed things up.

  17. love it ๐Ÿ™‚ so cute!

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