Butterick 4685

I don’t know what originally made me want a top like this, but after I ordered the pattern I started to notice them everywhere, including in Dirty Dancing. To get the look I wanted, I modified version D of Butterick 4685. I shortened it significantly and got rid of the curved side vents. I also moved the lower elastic casing down from under the bust to approximately my waist. It probably should be a little lower, but it was really hard to figure out where to put it because the top sits slightly differently on my shoulders every time I move.

Butterick4685_Ricrac_back Butterick4685_Ricrac_front

I made my top using an off-white linen. A top like this really needs some embellishment, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on it so I went with a little red rickrack at the neckline and waist. When I started this project I thought it would be a one-and-done kind of thing because it’s not the most versatile style ever, but it was so fast to make and so cute that I find myself thinking of other versions I’d like. I want to make one in a solid dark color and maybe one in a floral print. I’ll have to do some stash diving and see what I can dig out!







5 responses to “Butterick 4685”

  1. Looks great! A solid dark colour would look great. What are you sewing for the OAL?

    1. I’m making the official dress pattern, Simplicity 1803. I’m trying to squeeze in some practice with more simple projects before I tackle it, though.

  2. Adorable! Looks super comfy too.

  3. Love this. I can’t stop thinking about it in kelly green or navy w/ white trim.

  4. I just bought this pattern, and I love your alterations to it. I’m planning to team it with a vintage print circle skirt I’m finishing at the moment, these changes would be perfect for that.

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