I don’t know what originally made me want a top like this, but after I ordered the pattern I started to notice them everywhere, including in Dirty Dancing. To get the look I wanted, I modified version D of Butterick 4685. I shortened it significantly and got rid of the curved side vents. I also moved the lower elastic casing down from under the bust to approximately my waist. It probably should be a little lower, but it was really hard to figure out where to put it because the top sits slightly differently on my shoulders every time I move.
I made my top using an off-white linen. A top like this really needs some embellishment, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on it so I went with a little red rickrack at the neckline and waist. When I started this project I thought it would be a one-and-done kind of thing because it’s not the most versatile style ever, but it was so fast to make and so cute that I find myself thinking of other versions I’d like. I want to make one in a solid dark color and maybe one in a floral print. I’ll have to do some stash diving and see what I can dig out!
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