The Perfect WIPs


In an ideal world, I will always have two projects on my needles. The first is what I call desk knitting and the second is what I call couch knitting. Desk knitting projects are the sort of project that you really need to focus on. I usually work on them at my desk so I can keep multiple balls of yarn in order or so I can have my charts open in front of me on my computer. My beanie is that kind of project for the most part. The solid strips give me breaks to read or chat with people while I knit, but the color work requires me to look at my knitting and the charts most of the time, which means I need to have another project on the go for all of those times that I want to knit but can’t give knitting my undivided attention.


Which brings me to couch knitting! Couch knitting projects are the projects that are perfect for working on while sitting on the couch in front of a movie. Currently I’m knitting a belated Christmas present for my sister, and it’s the perfect project for hanging out with my friends and watching movies. It’s a big cowl knit with Kenzie held double. I did a simple twisted rib stitch pattern, and although sometimes I get bored with it, it’s so nice to have it around for when I want to knit, but I don’t want to think. Since I started designing full time, it’s pretty rare that I find myself with my ideal pair of WIPs, but it’s really nice for now.






10 responses to “The Perfect WIPs”

  1. That hat is crazy gorgeous! I can’t believe how even your colorwork stitches are. WOW.

  2. Wow, that hat is beautiful! I love your desk-knitting, couch-knitting idea; I do something similar, except I never manage to keep it down to just two WIPs 😉

  3. I refer to my ‘couch knitting’ as TV knitting, like you I am lost if I don’t have some TV knitting to keep my hands busy. Beautiful colourwork by the way.

  4. I totally know what you mean, only I’ve been forced to admit that I almost never get the chance anymore to do “desk knitting”! I have been working on a sweater for my mom for TWO YEARS because I just never have the opportunity to sit down with the chart. So I’m trying to be realistic and focus on “couch knitting” projects for now …

  5. That hat looks so lovely! What yarn are you using for the lighter color way? It looks like there is more than just cream in the yarn.

    1. I think you’re talking about the Spincycle Dyed in the Wool? It’s all pastels.

  6. Beautiful! They look nice together. 🙂 Alllll my projects are couch knitting – but I do love having something to keep my hands busy!

  7. I am so with you! I rarely actually have more than one project going (maybe with one to two other projects that come on and off hiatus for a year) because I’m just not good at focusing on multiple objects, but I always regret not at least having a somewhat mindless project I can work on while doing other things or watching movies.

    I find a lot of times when I work on the more attention-needy projects, I actually get super bored because it requires just enough attention that I can’t do much else, but it’s still not complicated enough to keep my mind from needing more stimulation. I have found that podcasts are a godsend for these projects, they’re not visually distracting at all so I can still focus on stitches and counts, but they’re just mentally distracting enough to keep me happy.

  8. Oh my! The paperclips are about to be adapted as I type! Fabulous idea – I am always losing my stitch markers and this alternative is so inexpensive and instant.

    Thank you!!!

    B x

  9. This is exactly what I do, too! Great minds. I like the freedom of being able to switch between a more challenging project and one I can do in front of the TV.

    The beanie is gorgeous, by the way.

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