Not Quite Right


I was really enthusiastic about getting my little shawl off my needles to I decided to go with the i-cord bind off I had been thinking about instead of finding something else. I made a little swatch, and the i-cord got pulled pretty tight when I blocked and pinned out my swatch, but other than that, it worked just fine so I bound off the shawl. Doesn’t it look nice with the lines of the lace?


It looked really nice right until I tried to block and pin the thing. What might have worked on a small scale, didn’t work so well on a bigger one. It’s not surprising if you really think about it. Imagine if the lace blocks out to be 10% longer than the i-cord. On a small piece like my swatch, the problem presents itself as just being a little difficult to pin because the 10%  is maybe half an inch. On a bigger piece, the difference between the amount of stretch is much more noticeable because that 10% is multiple inches. If I pull the top of the shawl straight, the i-cord on the bottom edge also gets pulled straight, and this is what happens. It won’t be hard to fix. It’s just annoying because I thought I was done.





3 responses to “Not Quite Right”

  1. I have only just discovered icord edging and It’s quite literally the best thing ever. looking forward to your completed shawl.

  2. oh, that’s such a shame! I love how i-cord bind off looks as well, but definitely no elasticity. I like it for sleeves, in particular- but I really hate it when my sleeve cuffs get stretched out, so it’s a perfect solution. Love that colour, by the way!

    Oh- and thanks for the heads up comment about making egg nog from scratch- I wonder if it’s like mayonnaise, in that if you are super aggressive about beating the crap out of it and getting the timing of adding the ingredients just right, it all falls apart? Hmm. Now I’m even more intrigued. I was going to have ‘make hot buttered rum’ on my list instead of egg nog, but them I thought, ‘that’s pretty much butter and rum in a crock pot, I want a bigger challenge!’

  3. Lisa S.

    This is, after all how you learn: try something and have it not work.

    BTW, I’m far enough along with the second pair of Andi’s socks that I can confidently say the spreadsheet (and the rest of the pattern) should be available by Christmas.

    Lisa S. in Seattle

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