I reached the bottom band on my second Hetty at my knitting group the other day, and I found myself a little confused about why I was ending at a different point in the repeat than on my first one. I double checked the pattern a million times, and eventually I decided to just put it away and find my mistake when I got home. At home I checked the pattern again, and everything looked right. I dug out my first Hetty to compare, and to my surprise, the mistake was on that one! I knit one decrease repeat too many so it’s four rows longer and four stitches smaller than it should be! Oops.
In Which I Can’t Follow My Own Pattern
4 responses to “In Which I Can’t Follow My Own Pattern”
LOL Andi! Your title on this post had me laughing. Great sense of humor has you says me. 🙂 Your Hetty is looking fab btw. I think I need a cardi that color. Yep, yep, I do. 🙂
I have exactly the same mistake. I abandoned it for a couple of days because I needed to finish another project. I went over my notes once in a hurry and I didn’t find my mistake. I ‘ll do it today again and I hope I can spot it!
This is why test knitting is so important! At least you caught it and can fix it now.
Oh, there’s nothing wrong with the pattern! I just followed the directions wrong. If I was going to fix the mistake, I’d have to take off the bands on my sweater, rip out four rows, and re-do the bands. It’s really not worth fussing over.
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