Such Flattering Puff Sleeves


It’s finally done! I took a break from working on this sweater to work on some more weather appropriate projects, but I managed to finish in perfect time. The weather has been ideal for wearing short sleeved wool sweaters.


And here is one of the giant puff sleeves! The layout of the increases are pretty chaotic, but I resisted my temptation to change that. The only modifications I made was to add selvage stitches to make seaming a bit easier and to convert the body to be knit in the round.


I used Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift in the Sherbet colorway. I was a little worried that it would be too scratchy, but it’s surprisingly comfortable to wear. I enjoyed how sticky and cripsy it was to work with. It’s definitely worth using again.


I’m happy with the way my sweater turned out. I’ve been daydreaming about what I can wear with it, but I do wish I had added a bit more length so I had more options. It’s a few inches too short to work with my high rise jeans, but luckily it works with most of my skirts. I want to wear my sweater all the time!







37 responses to “Such Flattering Puff Sleeves”

  1. Looks GREAT on you! Your hair has really grown since I’ve last seen you too!

  2. This is incredible, you look fantastic! Is it from A Stitch in Time 1? I’m working on a jumper from that book now, but being a newbie knitter…I fear it might take me a VERY long time ;o)

    1. Yup! This is the second sweater I’ve knit from the book. I always think that vintage sweaters will take a long time to knit because they tend to use lighter weight wool, but a lot of them are knit at a loose gauge on larger needles so they aren’t too time consuming.

      1. Cindy

        How do you actually sew/set a puff sleeve in . . .do you gather it with a basting stitch or something . . .please advise!

        1. I wrote a post on that which you can find here or on the “Useful Posts” page linked to at the top of the page.

  3. Oh, it’s beautiful and it fits you perfectly!
    I loves the sleeves!

  4. OMG i love this so much.

  5. I’m usually not a puff sleeve gal, but for some reason these I really like! Nice sweater and lovely color : )

  6. Thats beautiful! The puff sleeves are very beautiful indeed and I love the color. sherbet is very appropriate!

  7. Nice! I love that color – the sleeves look great too!

  8. It’s gorgeous, and that color is magic on you!

  9. That sweater is incredibly flattering. I’m glad to see such a wonderful sweater success!

  10. Dominique

    This sweater is amazing! It doesn’t even look hand-knitted…

  11. Looks lovely, and very well done!

  12. It looks great. It is very flattering on you, the colour and the shape. I’ve never thought of wearing Spindrift next to my skin. I shall bear that in mind for future projects.

  13. Stunning, it looks so fab on you the colour, and the shape is extremely flattering. I always thought Jamieson’s Spindrift was scratchy and never thought of wearing it next to my skin. Think I may need to buy some now 🙂

  14. It’s beautiful, and like everyone else said, very flattering on you! Perfect spring color 🙂

  15. You and the sweater look adorable!! Great job 😀

  16. Andi it looks amazing. I love the color against your skin tone. Very lovely. I wish the weather here was nice enough to wear something like this. I’m still knitting long sleeve sweaters with thicker yarn 🙁 But soon we will have spring 😀

  17. It’s gorgeous and suits you so well 🙂

  18. Beautiful! It looks really great, I think the bold colour really suits you and the pattern.
    The sleeves worked out nicely as well.

  19. OMIGOSHHHH!!! it’s incredible! i really didn’t expect any less 🙂

  20. How lovely. I would love to make this someday… y’know, if I could make it as fantastic as yours! lol 🙂

  21. Jeanie

    wow! It looks great on you! What a wonderful project! Great color, great lines. Love the puffed sleeves , they really make the sweater . You did really well!!!

  22. I would be terrified making something like this for myself. It is incredibly gorgeous and amazingly executed. I am inspired. It’s beautiful!

  23. It’s really cute!

  24. Oh it turned out perfectly! The sleeves look awesome!

  25. Wow! So pretty, nice work! Gotta get that book (too) 🙂

  26. It is all kinds of flattering!! I love the color and the sleeves!! Well done, Andi!

  27. That is a beautiful sweater top. I really like the increases on the puff sleeves, I’m not sure how much of their look was planned (rather than just happened) but it definitely looks like a design element added on purpose. Really cool. Also the color is great on you. Your knitting is very inspiring. Keep up the great work and website!
    – Sophie

  28. Love it! I find Jamieson’s surprisingly wearable and it’s such a pleasure to knit with. It reminds me of what wool seems like it should be like (totally ridiculous to say that since it’s not like one wool is more real than another, but somehow that’s what my mind thinks about it).

    The sweater is really flattering on you, and the color is great.

  29. I’ve never been into puff-sleeve sweaters, but this definitely makes me reconsider. I’m thinking about knitting one 🙂

  30. Your sweater is fantastic! I don’t think I can pull off puff sleeves but they look great on you. Do you have another project lined up or is end of quarter/semester craziness setting in? I’m glad you got out of your knitting rut too, I hate when that happens

    1. I’ve got another sweater I’m working on. It’s being a little uncooperative and then I have end of semester junk to deal with so I haven’t shared my progress on it in awhile

  31. Beautiful! Thank you for introducing me to this book, some of those vintage cardigans are to die for! Your sweater looks perfect on you, I hope you get a lot of wear out of it 🙂

  32. Anushka

    It looks great, and an amazing hue!

  33. This looks lovely on you! I love the puff sleeves and the hot pink. You are very talented! I also love your short bangs, I may have to try that with my own bangs 😉

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