A knitting vlog






11 responses to “A knitting vlog”

  1. It’s looking so cute! For some reason I was thinking it would be a pull over, not a cardigan, but I love it!

  2. Love it! This is such a great idea too. I think I’d be too shy to v-log though…

    1. I always feel a little self conscious listening to my own voice, but I like the variety of doing the vlogs because they’re less structured and more spur of the moment than a written post.

  3. It looks so awesome! I wish I were better at knitting, I would love a sweater with scallops!

  4. Ali

    Thanks for the great v-log. I can’t wait to see the finished item.

    Ali x

  5. So cute!! And inspiring…perhaps I should post a vlog sometime soon? ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. It’s looking great!

  7. I love it. And you are just adorable (in a non-creepy way I swear – mom of teens here). Keep vlogging! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. It looks fabulous, love the idea! And brave of you to put out a video, I’m not sure if I’d ever dare to do that ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. This is looking great so far! I love your milkmaid braids, they are so cute! I also love your blunt bangs, you are inspiring me to cut mine a bit blunter than they are now. Also – what red lipstick are you wearing? I love it!

    1. Thanks! The lipstick is MAC’s Ruby Woo.

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