Day 15 of a Month of Craft Photos

I’ve reached the point where most of my photos are terrible because I’m just taking them to take one, but I was pleased with this photo.

Day 15

The prompt was “A New SKill” and it reminded me that I had started needle felting a few months ago. I made a little goblin man just to try it out, but I never did it again. I don’t really know what to do with needle felting. I’m scared to needle felt on my knitting or crochet in case it turns out terrible. I don’t want to ruin hours worth of crafting by practicing needle felting on it. I’ve decided that when I get a chance I’m going to crochet something small to felt and needle felt something on it because that’s the only way I’ll feel more confident about my skills. I was thinking of making a pot holder, but I’d love to hear other suggestions,





5 responses to “Day 15 of a Month of Craft Photos”

  1. You can needlefelt onto fabric, so if you liked it you could make the completed item into something else. The alternative is to make a little purse or bag then felt it. If it doesn’t look great you can still use it for notions.

  2. I’ve always wondered about needle felting, it seems fun but not as useful as knitting.

  3. It might be worth looking around charity shops for an inexpensive woollen jumper (not superwash) to purposefully (shock!) lightly full in the washing machine, and practice your needle felting onto that. I’ve fulled a couple of items to needle felt onto in the past (specifically hot water bottle covers) and small areas of fulled pre-knit fabric can always be put to use for items such as this (I think cushion covers would also look lovely, but perhaps not be so hard-wearing… I guess it depends on how far you were felting the fibres into the cloth an how much wear-and-tear the cushion might see.

  4. I think a potholder is a good place to start. Maybe knitting and felting some sort of pencil case would work too. Or needle case!

  5. Very fun! I love this picture. I had a short lesson on needle felting several years back, but never bought any supplies or tried again. It sounds like a fun new hobby, though!

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