A Really Ugly Sweater and A New Plan

I finished the front of the sweater I was working on and I was feeling ambitious so I seamed it up. It is really ugly.


It’s lumpy and gross. There is waaaaay too much going on and nothing is really recognizable. Everything is sort of abstract.


Some of the lumpiness comes from the ends not being woven in. There are weird gaps and elongated stitches. That contributes to the fact that you can’t tell what anything is. The misshapen stitches cause misshapen characters and the lumps create shadows that make it even harder to identify shapes.


Then there’s the fact that the inside looks like a latch hook rug…. That definitely contributes to the lumpiness.

So the sweater is extremely ugly and I think I’m going to go back to what had been plan A.


I was working on this first, but I didn’t think the colors were working. I really liked the way my rabbit turned out, but I wasn’t completely pleased with Alice’s legs or the cake stand. I also started thinking that a more literal adaptation would be better. I ended up starting over and knitting the mess you see up top.

Now I think I’m going to go back to this design and finish it. It only has 14 rows of intarsia left so it won’t take too long. I think I’m going to knit the body about 4 inches shorter. That should save me time because I’m knitting on a deadline, but it has other perks, too. I’ll have more to wear with it and it will balance the design out a bit better because I started it too high up. I can write about it in my paper explaining my adaptation because Alice in Wonderland is all about scale and size. The part I’m dreading is ripping out my seams to get the back. I did a really good job seaming which is sort of unfortunate in this situation.

So that’s the plan. I hope I can get it done in time.






7 responses to “A Really Ugly Sweater and A New Plan”

  1. I’m sorry you have to start over. But on the plus side, that’s a really perfect shade of blue.

  2. Ack! That’s the pits!

    But I can’t wait to see the finished version. I looove that little white rabbit!

  3. Gosh, girl, you are an intarsia whiz these days. Good luck with that, I’ll stick to my stranded colorwork.

  4. Sorry to hear you’re not happy with it! But since I’m a huge fan of Alice, I’m really looking forward to see the finished sweater.

  5. Oh no! I hate it when your vision doesn’t work out in reality. You are such a talented knitter, I am sure whatever you do to finish this sweater, it will be gorgeous. It is always such a pleasure to see what you have on the needles. I can’t wait to see the finished sweater! 🙂

  6. Hmm, do you think the amount of colorwork is what added to the shape change? I know you’ll get it just right. Hang in there!

  7. After watching your video of the redo, I agree with all that you say. Still, I’ve got to hand it to you for being so diligent! Way to challenge yourself and stick with it! The new pattern is SOOO cute, too!!

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