Do you ever imagine things as being completely awesome and then once you have a tangible version, it just is kind of bleh? That is how I feel about this hat. It was so great in my head and my sketches, but my FO is sort of ugly.
The ruffle coming down from the top is just weird. Why did I think that would be a cool touch? The yarn I used is thick enough so that the rosette/spiral/lumpy thing holds its shape, but it is too thick for a nice ruffle. It looks pretty strange.
I made the hat for my sister and she says that she will wear it. I was feeling like it wasn’t great but it also wasn’t horrible until I looked at these pictures. This hat is a serious flop. I might take it apart and knit my sister something better.
I got the idea for the hat from this photo shoot. I decided it would look cool with a rosette shaped thing instead of that free form gather. Mostly I liked the look of the big decoration next to the cheek. I might try something else with that look.
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