Tea Time


This is version 2.0 of the project that I mentioned frogging. It’s a color work beret for Knit Picks IDP. I wasn’t sure if I was going to blog about it because it isn’t in for sure. I have to mail them my sample and pattern and they judge it a second time before they publish it. I didn’t want to come on here and be like “Oh tralala! Check out my bitchin’ new design! I’m so awesome.” and then have my pattern rejected. That would suck.


But I am posting rather publicly on Ravelry looking for test knitters. And if my pattern gets rejected, I probably will want to come on here and whine about it. I figured that I might as well share it with you now. So here it is! My tea themed beret.


It’s knit in Knit Picks Telemark yarn on 2.75mm and 3.75mm needles. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I’m not entirely sure why I keep working on color work designs. I like drawing the charts on Illustrator because 1) it is the only thing that I can do on Illustrator and 2) I really enjoy pixel-ish art because it reminds me of when I was little. I just really hate knitting color work. I was really concerned that this wouldn’t look nice enough to use as a sample. Luckily blocking is my friend because it completely saved this hat.

P.S. Do these pictures look wintery to you? I took them yesterday but I was trying really hard to make them look cold.







  1. oh my gosh!this is so adorable!i wish i could knit professionally…

  2. The pictures look very wintery! I think it's the mug and the cool colors. You're very talented, colorwork freaks me OUT. Crossing my fingers for you!

  3. Oh, it's very cute – good luck! I would be a test knitter if I had the time right now – Maybe next time?

  4. awesome job. the design is amazing!

  5. the photos look great! I like your pink cheeks with teh coffee mug. definitely wintery. AND I love knitting colourwork! I have yet to make a beret though. hmm.

  6. Oh, this is so very perfect on you. I am so jealous of your fringe – I used to have a very enviable fringe but it grew out and I haven't troubled myself to cut it again. The picture of you in thi shat makes me want to amend that ASAP.

  7. […] got my laptop back, completely repaired this time, and was happy to see that my Tea Time Hat was published and available for purchase on Knit Picks. As excited as I am about it, telling you […]

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