This picture has nothing to do with this post because I had no photos that did. It just looked too naked with only text. Plus, this thing is really cool. It’s from the Procession of Species at the Olympia Arts Walk.
After posting about my awesome egotism about knitting the other day I realized that there is one knitting technique that I truly fear. Steeking. I just can’t handle the idea of cutting my own knitting. I would love to be able to steek well so I can do it without fear. Oh! This reminds me of a somewhat related skill that I would like to have. I’d like to be able to sew zippers into my knitting well. Who knows? Maybe I can sew them in well. I’ve never tried it. I have two design ideas that I want to give a go and they both involve zippers. I’m not entirely sure how to go about attaching and finishing a zipper because my brain is caught up on how I would put a zipper in a woven garment.
There you have it. Steeks and zippers.
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