I cooked myself dinner last night. That might not sound too exciting to most people but I live in a dorm and don’t have my own kitchen. I eat most of my meals in the cafeteria. Bleh. My floor in my dorm has a kitchen. It’s inconvenient to cook there all the time but I try to cook occasionally.
Occasional cooking is more difficult than you would think. Because I don’t cook very often, I would never go through a bag of flour or eat a whole carton of eggs before they spoiled. It takes a bit of thought to figure out what works well to keep on hand. One of my favorite things to buy is chicken sausages. I can do a lot with them and I can put them in the freezer so they don’t spoil. This is one of my favorite ways to cook them.
I had one Aidell’s garlic artichoke chicken sausage. In the cafeteria, I acquired about a handful of sliced mushrooms, about four large handfuls of spinach and some balsamic vinegar. I brought the sausage to room temp and sliced it into half inch rounds. I heated a frying pan to medium heat and added a little dollop of olive oil. After that I added my sausage to the frying pan along with a handful on slice mushrooms. I let those cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms looked slightly darker and glossy. Next I added four large handfuls of spinach on top of everything else. I stirred everything around in the pan until all of the spinach was wilted and a dark green color. I added balsamic vinegar to taste and then it was ready to eat!
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