I don’t really get homesick when I’m away at college but I do miss my dog like mad. She is a toy destroyer so we bought her this indestructible rubber chicken. She tries to find a place where she can get a grip on the chicken to tear it but never can. It drives her crazy. It’s pretty cute to watch her nibble away on it.
Fat Dog and the Rubber Chicken
Mom had to buy her a new chicken earlier this week. RIP Chicken 1.0.
Awh! You have a corgie! She is such a beauty! I love how long they are and what short legs they have! My friend calls them the canoe dogs. Ahah
I want a doggie soo badly! For the first time in my life ever I don't have a puppy face in my life, and there is just such a big dog-shaped void. Your doggie is such a cutie pie. I adore corgies.
That is so adorable! Our dogs also rips all her toys to shreds – it's pretty much her favourite game!
Your pup is too cute! Our dogs have the same problem with wanting to destroy any toy they get!
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