I switched out the memory card on my camera for a bigger one sometime at the beginning on the year. I was looking at what was on my old card a few days ago and found some FO pictures that I must have forgotten about. I’m proud to present Bandito, my shawlette-scarf-thingy that I knit last winter/spring.
It’s just your basic triangle but I added a button so it sits securely around my neck and doesn’t wiggle about. No pattern involved. It’s knit from some mystery yarn that I balled, knit, frogged, and forgot about. I’m fairly certain that it’s Berocco Ultra Alpaca.
Wearing it makes me feel like a bandit. Here is some comically bad Photoshop for you. Oddly enough, I appear to be wearing my RX Bandits band shirt in that photo. I sincerely hope that wasn’t intentional.
And here it is in its intended state. It’s perfect for keeping your chest warm. I tend to wear tank tops all year with heavy cardigans and jackets over them but it always leaves my chest exposed to snow/rain/cold air. This fills in the gap perfectly. Also it’s just warm smooshy alpaca delight!
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