Category: Other

  • Nice to Meet You

    Dear Audience: Hi there! I have no idea who you are or if I even have an audience. I’d like to meet you. I’d also like to find some new blogs to read. To kill two birds, leave me a comment introducing yourself with a link to your blog and I’ll check it out. I’m…

  • I suck, I know

    Alrighty, I’m starting a new semester so I’m going to make a new attempt with this blog. I changed the layout so it no longer eats the edges of my nice big photos. Yay. I’ve also decided that, in an attempt to update more since I knit so slow, this blog will become a crafting/fashion…

  • The Knitting Blog

    After years of attachment to LJ, I finally got sick of their addition of ads and other changes that they made with out notifying users. My blog there was mostly a personal blog. I’d throw in random FO’s and information that my readers, my non-knitting friends, probably didn’t care about. More and more lately I’ve…