Category: Life
Not So Easy
Dress: H&M My sister took my pictures for me today. I suck at having other people take my picture. I either look horrible and awkward because I don’t get to run around to the other side of the camera every couple of pictures and see what I need to fix or I get really bitchy.…
Nevada City, CA
Ashley and I went to Nevada City on a whim yesterday. I took a copious amount of pictures as usual. Here is a random selection. This one is probably my favorite. Ashley stopped and read every poster every time we walked past a board like this. This might give you an idea of what the…
Queen of the Universe
My fat dog clearly believes the she is queen of the universe. Bean thinks everything belongs to her. New dog toys? Definitely hers. New dog bed? Hers. Old dog bed? Still hers. (We have a new dog living at my parents’. Nothing belongs to him in Bean’s opinion.) New lawn chairs? They were clearly meant…
Intrepid Explorers
The other day my friend Ashley and I got ice cream and went exploring. The rest were taken without a flash. I forgot my tripod so they’re a bit blurry. I like the overall look of them, despite the blur. That’s me looking embarrassed about being caught in the fountain by a dog walker. It…
I got cat class and I got cat style
Dress: I have no idea. I’ve had it for over 6 yearsShoes: ThriftedBelt: ThriftedScarf: ThriftedThis outfit is a few days old. I’m really behind in uploading pictures. I tried wearing my hair a new way. I like to wear my hair up, especially when it’s hot, but I always seem to wear it in a…