Category: Life
Old Craft Mags
I went to WA for a bit to visit my friends and got home last night. I meant to post while I was away, but I forgot that my wireless internet doesn’t work on campus. For those of you that are new here, I go to school at the University of Puget Sound normally, but…
Went to a Show
I went to a psychobillyshow with an old friend from high school at the Boardwalk in Orangevale. (People always say that the Boardwalk is in Sacramento. It drives me crazy.) We went to see the Nekromantix. They were quite good, but both my friend and I prefer The Horrorpops. Still, I love psychobilly shows. There…
The Laptop Returns
I got my laptop back today with my touch pad fixed (yay), but the screen was damaged so I have to send in back tomorrow (boo). It’s a really tiny blip, but I shouldn’t have to suffer it if my laptop is still under warranty. The nice thing is that since it is just a…
Making Progress
I’m on my second ball of my multicolored scarf so I guess I’ve committed to it. I like the way it is turning out. The project is delightfully mindless and people think it is impressive looking. It’s quite deceptive. I was hoping to whip it out and shout “Bam! Look how fast I knit this…
Fat Dog Assistant?
Bean decided to assist me in my photo taking because I decided to use her lounge chair of choice to take my pictures on. She wasn’t very helpful.