Category: Life

  • My New Friends

    I went for a walk last Saturday and these guys were quite friendly. They were looking so photogenic and kept staring at me. To be honest, I actually think they were more interested in the noise my shutter made than me.

  • Spring Fever

    Yesterday was so bright and sunny and nice that I found myself craving bright colors. I got some flowers for my room to make it feel a bit more like spring. I had to buy some sunglasses when I was out because I didn’t bring any to England with me. I love when it is…

  • Dogs Dogs Dogs

    From left to right we have Bjorn (Britta’s Terrier mutt), Henry the Chunk (My dad’s Springer Spaniel puppy), and Bean (my fat Corgi). The worst thing about going back to school is the lack of dogs.

  • The Hat of Christmas Past

    I knit my mom a hat for Christmas this year thinking that I had never knit her a hat. When I came home from Lancaster, I saw this hat lying around and realized that I had knit her one last year. I just completely forgot about it. I never documented it in anyway. I don’t…

  • 2010 in Crafty Projects

    With the exception of October when I moved to Lancaster, I managed to finish at least one crafty project a month. Some months I finished oodles of projects. It was a good year for me in terms of crafting. I wrote my first knitting pattern. I knit six sweaters. I made Britta 3 hats and…