Category: Life

  • Happy Independence Day!

    My sister and I have a tradition of wearing incredibly tacky outfits on the 4th of July, but sadly she isn’t home for it so I’m on my own. We also have a tradition of driving our parents crazy by repeating lines from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I think I might spare my parents…


    I finished my last exam this morning which means it’s packing time. I’m about to tackle taking down the stuff on my bulletin board, but I thought I’d share it here  in all its glory first. It has managed to sneak into being a regular part of this blog, but I’ve never shown how gigantic…

  • I’ve been interviewed!

    Vanessa over at Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts interviewed me. It was quite fun to answer the questions and I recommend checking it out. We talked about books, blogging, and crafty stuff. I have to go study Victorian literature and try to remember the names of the characters in The Return of the Native. Somehow…

  • Baby Bean!

    I have my first exam tomorrow morning. I’ve been studying so I haven’t been doing much crafty stuff. I have been browsing old puppy pictures, though. These are from the day that we bought Bean. She was super tiny.

  • Farewell My Friend

    I packed up some of my heavy stuff and sent it home ahead of me. Heavy things includes my tripod and knitting reference books. Irrational me doesn’t know how I (and this blog) will continue to function. Rational me knows that it’s only a month until we’re together again and I will survive. Sometimes people…