Category: Life

  • Happy Halloween!

    I hope everyone who celebrates has a happy Halloween! I did end up carving a pumpkin when I was home at my parents’ for a weekend. Mine is the second one from the right. The one on the farthest right was the one my dad carved while I was there. The type of pumpkin we…

  • This Weekend

    This weekend I told myself that I would work on homework and do some design stuff, but Saturday rolled around and was beautiful. I decided to hit the thrift store and get the ingredients to make a pie instead. I walked to the shops and I remembered that the Farmer’s Market was running later this…

  • Black Sheep

    I love bad horror movies and I frequently use the month of October as an excuse to inflict them on everyone else. I like to sit around with my friends, a giant bowl of Halloween Candy, and my knitting and watch bad movies. I thought I’d share some of our favorite movie choices. I was…

  • Henry the Chunk

    I’ve been busy essay writing and I think that makes today an appropriate day for puppy pictures. I took these pictures of Henry last December when he was still small. He’s a lot bigger now, but he is still just as awkward and clumsy! He’s all legs and is unusually tall for a Springer Spaniel.

  • Fat dog on Film

    Whenever I had one last shot on a roll of film this summer, I would snap picture of Bean thinking that I would then get the roll developed promptly (ha!). She’s photogenic even when she is wet and muddy from playing in her dog pool. I wish I could have her with me at school.