Category: Crochet

  • Last Minute Crafting

    Tonight’s crafting time will be spent trying to finish my Halloween costume. I still need to crochet up a few pieces to pull everything together. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve had a crafty costume. I usually go for make-up based costumes. Are you making your costume? Have you finished?

  • Old Craft Mags

    When I went to visit my friend in Boston in July, her mom let me go through her giant stash of old craft magazines that she had bought at a yard sale. I loved looking through all of the old issues. She let me pick out a few and take them home with me. I…

  • Not My FO

    My mom just finished this crocheted afghan and it looked too pretty sitting on that chair to not share it. She’s been working on it for a couple years now. My mom doesn’t spend as much time crafting as I do and she’s also very meticulous. She’ll rip out 30 rows to fix one little…

  • How I styled my shawl

    Vlog 4 from Andi Satterlund on Vimeo. Some of you seemed curious about how I was going to style my shawl when first posted about it. I made this little video talking about how I like to wear it.

  • Womp.

    Ladies and Gents, I’m throwing in the towel.  Things are not going well for me in the crafty department. I couldn’t get the lining to work for my granny square bag so I’m giving up on that idea. I had originally been debating between making this bag or using the squares to make a pillow.…