Tag: Yarn
A Bit of Yellow
I was at the yarn store yesterday picking up a few things, and I spotted this lovely yellow Hazel Knits yarn. At this point I’ve told myself that I’m not allowed to make anymore yellow sweaters for a while, but yellow knit accessories? I only have a hat and a shawlette! Clearly I could use…
What to Knit Next
I’m getting ready to start a new sweater, and I can’t decide which of my two options to go with! I’ve got some mint green worsted weight yarn that’s destined to be a mostly stockinette pull over with lace details. I also have some sport weight alpaca and wool blend yarn that I just realized…
Unruly Freshly Frogged Yarn
There was a slight delay in my knitting progress due to the fact that the upper back of my sweater looked like this. That should be a sea of smooth stockinette, but what you see is the weird result of knitting with frogged yarn. I’ve knit many projects with frogged yarn before, and this has…
Moderately Sized Plans
I put in a giant order at Quince and Co last weekend, and what turned up at my house yesterday? Yarn! You might be wondering what it’s all for because that’s way more than a sweater’s worth. What do I have up my sleeve? Well, I’m putting together a small collection of knitting themed knits!…
Spring Greens
Back in December I realized that I had cropped sweaters in all of the primary and complementary colors except for green. Unsurprisingly, the idea of putting together a color wheel of sweaters appealed to me, but I struggle with green. Iām not sure what my issue is with the color, but I always feel like…