Crocheted Cast On
I don’t know why, but I’ve never actually used the crocheted cast on method on a project other than for provisional cast ons where it will be removed. It makes such a pretty clean edge, and it’s easy to work, but it never occurs to me to use it. It’s not super stretchy, but it’s…
Buttonhole Cast On
When I read about the buttonhole cast on as described in The Knitter’s Handbook, my first thought was, “Huh?” It’s a weird cast on that’s basically a series of knots. You make a loop as if you were going to backwards loop cast on, but you pull a strand of yarn through that loop with…
Cabled Cast On
I have a love/hate relationship with the cabled cast on. It has some great qualities like it’s fairly attractive, and it creates a firm edge that doesn’t stretch out of shape, and it’s a single tail cast on so you can use it everywhere… But I just do not like working it. I find it…
Double Twist Loop Cast On
I found the double twist loop cast on in The Knitter’s Handbook, and the description made me make my skeptical face. It is basically just the backwards loop cast on with an extra twist, but The Knitter’s Handbook alleges that it makes a sturdier cast on edge. I couldn’t figure out how it was going…
Backwards Loop Cast On
I almost didn’t have a mini series this month because I couldn’t figure out what technique to feature, but at 10:30 last night it hit me! Single strand cast ons! I use them all the time on sweaters to cast on for the underarms or for a round neckline, but I’ve never really played around…