A Knitting Blog Archive
Anaheim Resources
The Outfit Along starts today! I cast on my Anaheim using the long-tail method, and I’m working on US 8/5 mm needles. Yes, I had to go up a needle size for my own pattern! This is why it’s really important to knit a swatch and check your gauge. In my case, my gauge on…
Anaheim – A New Cardigan Pattern
Last summer one of my close friends told me that she had never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I immediately thought, “Well, we better fix that right now!” Every Monday after that, I’d make dinner and we’d watch a few episodes of Buffy. Like most knitters, we enjoyed all of the goofy 90s sweaters…
Outfit Along 2017
Knit a piece. Sew a piece. Make an outfit. June 1st-July 31st. Get ready for the fourth annual Outfit Along! The Outfit Along pairs a sew-along with a knit-along to create a complete outfit that you’ll love, and as always, it’s co-hosted by me and Lauren from LLADYBIRD and will run June 1st through July…
Focus on Wardrobe to Make a Winning Knit
In the past, I’ve struggled with matching my knitting desires up with what I actually wear. I’ve made a lot of progress since then, and here’s how I plan a project using my current wardrobe to guide me. If starting with a pattern (or design idea as is usually my case), I first consider the…
How to Stretch Your Style Comfort Zone
Every so often I get comments saying, “I wish I could wear ___.” Sometime it’s lipstick. Sometimes it’s dresses. Sometimes it’s bright colors. On one hand I feel like if you want to wear something, wear it! On the other hand I know that it can be hard to make the leap from admiring something…