Collar Crazy


I don’t know why but I’ve been saving up a lot pictures of knit/crocheted collars from fashion blogs and old photo databases. I’ve also sketched a few ideas for collars. Yesterday I sat down and crocheted up this guy. It’s based on a beaded scalloped collar that I saved a picture of.


I used a 4.25mm hook and Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton. My mom has a huge cone of it. I don’t wear any close crew neck things so I would probably have to remake the collar with one more motif if I wanted it to really look like an attached collar. I think I’ll just wear it as is with lower cut tops.


This was a nice quick project and a good break from my cardigan pattern stuff. For those of you that remember that I was knitting two of those cardigans and are curious what happened with them, one is blocking in the kitchen and the other needs its ends woven in and a blocking.


Speaking of patterns, I’ve been thinking about doing a series of collars or maybe a little digital book of them because I have so many collar ideas. Then again, who really needs a bunch of knit/crocheted collars?







13 responses to “Collar Crazy”

  1. Cute! My first ever crochet project (at the tender age of 13ish) was a thread collar.

  2. this is REALLY cute. So many times, I see a cute t-shirt with a little collar like this and it ups the adorbs factor exponentially. I think you should make some and stick them in an etsy shop missy!!!

  3. A: EVERYONE needs a book of crocheted and knit collars :oP

  4. I've made crocheted collars, although you don't see many people wearing them. So what! Yours is very nice. Here is one I made a while ago, if you'd like to check it out. I never did sell it, so I do wear it!

  5. It makes really pretty pictures and seems fun to create! I look forward to seeing more of them!

  6. darling, love this! happy to find your blog, hope you stop by and say hello.xom.fayhttp://www,

  7. Very cute! I love it! 🙂

  8. That is so adorable. SO not me, but I love it on you.

  9. great post!xx

  10. Adorable! I don't think I'd wear it, but the look really works on you, especially with the cardigan.

  11. I do!! I want one!I am having a giveaway (starts at midnight tonight) Be sure to stop by :)xo Lynz

  12. Very cute! Who needs crochet collars? I don't know about need exactly, but I was just thinking the other day that it would be fun to have some for the winter…

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