This will be our last Outfit Along for the foreseeable future, so what a better way to wrap things up for now than with WIPs? After five years of Outfit Alongs, we’re sure that you’ve got projects you haven’t finished. Even as hosts, Lauren and I have both had years where we didn’t finish both of our projects, so this year we’re giving you the opportunity to get those projects done with the OAL community to keep you company. But your WIP doesn’t have to be an OAL project. It can be any WIP you’ve got, and you can knit or sew the piece of your choice to go with it, which can be another WIP or a new piece. We’d really like it if you could dig from your stash, pull a project or two from the back of a drawer, and finish something you’ve been meaning to do for a while.
One WIP and one new pattern of your choice or two WIPs– either option fits this year’s OAL requirements if one project is a sewn garment and the other project is a knit garment that go together to make an outfit, and at least one piece was a WIP. This year is all about cleaning things out and stash busting, so we’re getting flexible with our definition of WIPs. Project in progress, projects that need heavy alterations to be worn, and projects that are far along in the planning stages all qualify. If you had a previous OAL knit planned but didn’t get around to buying the pattern or if you’d like one of the previous OAL knits to go with a sewing WIP, so you can use the older blog posts to help you, you can get any or all of the previous OAL knitting patterns for 20% off through June 1st when you use the coupon code OAL2019 at checkout here or on Ravelry. That includes Myrna, Vianne, Zinone, Anaheim, or Waters.
The OAL starts on June 1st and you’ll have until July 31st to complete both pieces and share a photo of them in the Finished OAL 2019 Outfits thread in the Untangling Knots group on Ravelry. The main place for conversation will be the Untangling Knots group, but the hashtag #OUTFITALONG2019 will let you connect with other participants on Instagram. If you finish your outfit by midnight PST on July 31st and post in the OAL 2019 FO thread in the Untangling Knots group, you’ll be entered to win one of three prizes. Winners will be randomly selected and each will get three Untangling Knots patterns of their choice and a $25 gift certificate to Indie Sew. Prize winners will be announced in the FO thread on Ravelry and on the @untangling.knots Instragram account.
The OAL will be going on hiatus after this year, so let’s make it a good one! Dig out your old projects, dust off your notions, and dive in with us.
What qualifies as a WIP?
We’re counting projects you’ve started (like casting on or cutting into your fashion fabric), projects that you’ve prepared by sewing a muslin or knitting a swatch, projects that you’ve actively planned (like picking out all of your supplies and pattern), and significant alterations (like resizing a sewing project or sweaters that need to be ripped and started over with mods).
How will you know a piece is a WIP? Do I need a Ravelry project or Instagram post to prove it?
We’re trusting you. If you say that a piece is a WIP, that’s good enough for us.
What qualifies as a garment? Can I knit socks or a shawl?
For the OAL, garments need to be something like a skirt, a dress, a pair of shorts, a pair of pants, a tank, a tee, a pullover, a cardigan, etc. Hosiery and accessories like socks and shawls don’t count as your knit item for the OAL. They’re not a substantial piece of an outfit.
Can I sew a top and knit a sweater to go with store-bought skirts or pants?
Yes, you just need to knit a garment and sew a garment to participate. If you need an extra piece to make a full outfit, you don’t have to knit or sew the third piece.
Can I make more than one outfit or extra pieces to go with my outfit?
Yes! There are no extra prize entries for additional pieces, but if you’re having fun and want to keep going, please do. Some ambitious crafters challenge themselves to make as many outfits as possible during the OAL.
Can I start before June 1st?
The whole idea behind a craft-along is to craft along with other people, so starting early isn’t in the spirit of the event, but since we’re using WIPs this year, you’re free to do so.
Can I make an outfit for someone else?
Yes, but with some limitations. We’d like outfits to be for teens or adults to keep all projects at a similar scale and difficulty level. Knitting a toddler’s sweater is very different from knitting one for an adult, so outfits for small children aren’t part of the OAL.
Can I substitute a crocheted garment for a knit garment?
Yes, they’re similar enough in skill and effort.
I missed the official start date. Can I still join?
Of course! You don’t need to sign up or anything like that by a certain date. You just need to finish your two pieces by July 31st, so if you feel like you still have enough time, dive right in.
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