My OAL 2018 Finished Outfit

Today’s the last day of the Outfit Along, and I am delighted to say that I finished on time! As I mentioned before, I was concerned about finishing my Lander shorts because I moved this month, but yesterday I carved out some sewing time and got them done!

I made a few relatively minor modifications to my Lander shorts. The pattern is designed for a less curvy figure, so I had to take the waist in a ton. I also chose to skip the back pockets because I didn’t think I’d use them and didn’t feel like having to fuss over getting the placement even and attractive.

I wanted the shorts to come up a smidge higher, but I didn’t want to add very much extra height, so I simply made a taller waistband and added an extra buttonhole. I didn’t test out this modification on my muslin, so when I was done I discovered that I should have curved the waistband for a better fit with a waistband that tall, but it’s not noticeable when my shirt is tucked in, and a belt hides the problem as well.

I knit my Waters pretty much as written, with one exception. My front neckline is about an inch lower on this version. The front shaping is so similar to the back shaping that I didn’t feel like I needed to consult the pattern, but I remembered the number of rows to work before the front neckline shaping wrong. I like how both versions look, so I wasn’t bothered by this unintentional mod at all.

If you participated in the Outfit Along, be sure to add your own outfit to the OAL 2018 Finished Outfits thread on Ravelry. And even if you didn’t, I still highly recommend visiting that thread to see the adorable outfits.







One response to “My OAL 2018 Finished Outfit”

  1. Cheryl

    Borh look grray on you.

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