It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since Stranded Magazine debuted, but here we are! Our fourth issue, the Warm Weather 2017 issue, came out last week. It’s got some amazing knits for spring and summer. The cover pattern, Laboe by Cory Ellen Boberg, is my personal favorite. If I can conjure up some free time, I’d really like to knit myself one, even if it doesn’t fit my wardrobe building goals. The issue also includes a sock pattern, a wrap, a shawl, a headscarf, and another summer top. This was our first issue with an open call for submission, and I’m really impressed with what we got!

In this issue I got to interview Emily from Local Color Fiber Studio. I took a trip over to Bainbridge Island where the business is based, and we talked about how Local Color got started and their unique business model and dye process. Local Color’s yarns are dyed using whole dyestuffs, most of which Emily farms herself, and this means that the business has both the challenges of the yarn industry on top of those that come with small scale farming. It was really interesting to learn about.
I hope you’ll buy a copy of the issue and enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. You can get it for $16 on Ravelry or Stranded’s website.
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