2015 in Pictures





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OAL_McCalls6887_Front OAL_Final_Back






Oof. 2015 was a doozy of a year, but I somehow knit way more than I thought I did. I knit ten garments, which is more than what I did when I was designing full time for the whole year last year, and that might end up being eleven because I’m halfway through my last sleeve on the sweater I’m working on. I’m really surprised that I’ve made so many because last April I picked up a part-time job and started a new big project, so I had to scale back the amount of indie design work I was doing. I published eleven patterns, and if I’m being perfectly honest, that’s disappointing because I wrote five of those in 2014, but I keep reminding myself that I wrote a few that won’t be released until 2016 and did a lot of non-design work like teaching classes, running KALs, writing articles, working at my part-time job, and doing a thousand things for the new big project (I promise to tell you about that one before winter is over). I was working almost non-stop this year, and I wish I could be more satisfied with what I got done.

On the sewing side of things I did really well, even though I didn’t meet my Vintage Pledge goal. I had pledged to sew two vintage or vintage repro patterns, but I ended up sewing the same pattern three times, and I feel like that was really good for my fitting skill development, so I have no regrets. As well as the three vintage repro dresses, I also made my OAL dress and finished an old circle skirt WIP. That’s quite a bit of sewing for me, and I’m making good progress with my sewing skills and creating a hand-made wardrobe.



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7 responses to “2015 in Pictures”

  1. That looks like a pretty productive year to me! And as a fellow indie-designer, I know just how hard it is to design, make the garment and write the pattern – so I say you did pretty well!
    Can’t wait to see what you’ve got coming in 2016

  2. Katie Canavan

    Awww, my Andi-cowl made the photo spread!

    But seriously, congrats on a productive year. That’s part of the curse of being a highly motivated person – sometimes you don’t live up to your own expectations. I certainly didn’t sew enough this year!

    Ps. I need that Chuck! So cute!

  3. You’ve had an amazing year! No need to be disappointed with the level of your achievements. I’m looking forward to hearing about the big project and following your patterns next year.

  4. What a colorful, fun and productive year!!! See you in 2016!

  5. Elaine in Chicago

    Whew!! Looks to me like you’ve been working on fiber related things at a break neck speed. Such lovelies and I’m looking forward to seeing the Big Reveal in 2016!!

  6. You had an impressive year! I look forward to reading about your accomplishments in 2016. Happy New Year!

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