Chambray Butterick 5748

Butterick5748_Chambry_Front Butterick5748_Chambry_back

At the beginning of Me Made May, I said I wanted to make an office-friendly dress to wear to my part-time job. In the month of May, I didn’t get very far past cutting out the pieces, but I finally got it sewn up in June. Overall, I’m really happy with it. The fit is pretty great, and my only complaint is that I wish I hadn’t done the notched neckline. I chose to add that detail because the dress is fairly plain, but the notch has some minor puckering at the bottom, and it always looks slightly off center to me. I’ve measured it so many times and finally came to the conclusion that I’m the one that’s not symmetrical, not the dress. I’m doesn’t spoil how much I like this dress, though.

Butterick5748_Chambry_close01 Butterick5748_Chambry_close02

I self lined the bodice since I had enough fabric for it, but the fabric is heavy enough that I didn’t feel like the skirt needed a lining. That left me a little stuck on how to cleanly attach the bottom of my bodice. I have a dress my mom made me with just the bodice lined, so I knew a nice way to do it existed, but when I took a closer look, I saw that she carefully hand-stitched it. It’s a beautiful detail, but I’m way too lazy for that, so I decided to attempt my own “invisible” join by turning up the bottom of the bodice lining, basting it in place, and stitching in the ditch at the waist seam. I’m massively pleased with how it turned out. You have to look really close to spot the line of stitching, and it makes the bodice so much prettier on the inside. Making that work more than cancelled out my annoyance about the neckline notch.





14 responses to “Chambray Butterick 5748”

  1. Looks pretty symmetric too me! And beautiful! Great dress, you look lovely in it! 🙂

    1. My roommate pointed out that the only way she could see what I was talking about was when I stood perfectly still with my shoulders square to her, so it might just be a case of me being overly picky.

  2. Ann

    Love it you did a brilliant job of it and so glad you lined it as this enhances the fit and hang of the cloth. Well done wish I had your figure to make one for myself its a style that I used to wear a good few years ago and felt so feminine in it.

    1. Linings are one of the big reasons I’ve started sewing more! I don’t love unlined dresses, and I’m not a fan of polyester linings. That combination makes it hard to buy dresses.

  3. Brenda

    I think you did a gorgeous job – love it and love the notched neckline. It is really smashing!

  4. Knitluxe

    Love the dress, the fit is excellent, and you look great in blue………very well done!

  5. I especially love the back!

  6. Cheryl Stern

    To eliminate the Pickering, when you stitch the “V” of the notch, make one horizontal stiitch before turning back up the other side of the notch. When you clip, go into the corners. This will eliminate the pucker. You can always pound it or steam it out. Everything else is grand. You have the fit down. And the neckline lays against you body perfectly. Great job.

    1. Oh, thank you! You leave me such good sewing advice, and I really appreciate it. I did a horizontal stitch like you mentioned, but some extra weight and steam could help, and I might be able to clip a little closer.

  7. What a great dress! I love the neckline. Sometimes puckering is caused by too much fabric, clipping can make a difference.

    1. I think I need to be less of a coward when it comes to clipping. I’m afraid of clipping too closely to a seam because bulk/puckering is less frightening than a hole.

  8. Elaine in Chicago

    Everything you sew is so professional!! I really should practice for a few years!!

    1. Haha! Thanks, but I have to disagree! My projects rarely look professional if you could see the insides. This dress only turned out so well because it’s my third one made from this pattern, and I still could use quite a bit of practice myself. Practice really is the most important thing.

  9. kim

    having just found your blog I race through each of the past entries and now I am marveling at the folks who comment and you. Aren’t we all from a novel? You are the essence of adorable and I wish I had had the gumption you have. I wonder if blogs help, and supportive folks from all over peeking in and making thoughtful commentary. I rather feel like an Austin era journaler in the attic at the forgotten writing table from nana’s bedroom……….blessings

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