My Favorite Fall Sweater


When the weather cools down, Chuck is always the sweater I’m most excited to dig out and start wearing. Seattle usually doesn’t get too warm in the summer, so I often get chances to wear my hand knit cardigans all year round. I never bother packing away my woolly cardigans for the summer because I wear them on chilly evenings. Pullovers on the other hand, I never wear those in the summer even if it is cool enough because it just doesn’t feel right.


I knit Chuck in the beginning of 2012, and since then, it’s been my favorite fall sweater. The color just shouts fall to me, and I like how bright and cheerful it is. With our gloomy weather, bright colors are a must. Plus, it’s a good sweater to help stretch my wardrobe. I only need to add Chuck and a pair of tights to make a summery dress work for fall. I’ve already worn it like that twice this week.


As you can probably tell from all of the pilling, I really love this sweater and wear it a lot. I was kind of disappointed that Chuck didn’t win in the fall KAL polls because I’d love to have an excuse to knit myself a new one. Maybe I’ll finally get around to it next fall!






16 responses to “My Favorite Fall Sweater”

  1. Carly

    Chuck is already next in my Ravelry queue!

    Such a lovely sweater, Andi. Greetings from Liverpool!

  2. This is in my queue along with the Marion!

  3. Lovely sweater, I understand why you love it so much. I love these kind of sweaters that you can easily wear over a dress.

  4. Chuck is a cutie! I’d love to knit her one day.
    Andi, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make public link for my Ravelry pages. Can you point me towards the right help topic? I must not be searching on the right words. Thanks, and thanks for all the awesome blogging!

    1. If you go to your project’s page, on the upper right corner next to “edit” is “share this.” Click that, and change the settings there. It’s explained at the bottom of this section of the Notebook Wiki.

      1. Thanks! I updated the other comment with the public links.

  5. On my queue too! Love it!

  6. Chuck is awesome! To be honest, Chuck was also my vote for the KAL. If you’re going to re-knit it next year, I hope it’ll be part of the next KAL ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dutch summers are really irregular. One year you never have to put your knits away, the next is almost to warm to handle any W.I.P. This one was a bit in between, so I could get some knits out in the evenings. And knitted shawls are also useful all year around, especially when you catch a cold!

  7. I love your Chuck. It’s so cheery and so…fall! And orange is a great colour on you. All in all, you made a fantastic sweater and a great pattern, and I really want to make one someday. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Hilary

    Love the look of Chuck too… though think might be a bit too warm for me with hot flashes still hanging around, yuk. Prefer the cardis as can get on and off more quickly. That doesn’t mean I won’t knit it though – plenty of takers I’m sure. Waiting for my yarn to arrive for Marion. Again a bit late in starting but I so enjoyed doing Myrna in the OAL I reckoned it didn’t matter, just so long as I got another lovely cardi to knit. Thanks Andi, love your posts and patterns!

  9. Lovely! I’m almost finished knitting a chuck in pink, I hope I get as much wear our of it as you! I’ll have to blog it soon! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for agreat design!

  10. Beth

    Just Gorgeous Andi! You and the jumper ๐Ÿ˜€ The colour is perfect for your lovely complexion. Do you think this pattern would come out well in a DK cotton? I need snug little tops for autumn & spring, but it’s not cold enough then for wool.

    1. Hmm… Cabling in cotton doesn’t sound fun to me, but you could do a swatch and see if you like the way it works up.

  11. Even though I’m knitting the Marion right now as part of the KAL, Chuck is in my queue too! I would love for you to squeeze in two KAL’s this fall!

  12. I was hoping that Chuck was going to win the Fall KAL too but I started one anyway. I have a question for you please. I’d like to make the sleeves full length, will I need to make any more decreases or just knit a but further before starting the rib section?

    1. It depends on how you wan your sleeves to fit. You’ll have to take some measurements and decide!

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