Good Things to Come


I took a little bit of a blogging break in August while I worked on things for fall, and I have so much good stuff up my sleeve! This sweater I’m working on goes with one of those projects. It’s a super plain full length cardigan, and although the sweater itself isn’t terribly exciting, what it goes with is. This cardigan will help illustrate a guide to designing your own sweater with seamless set-in sleeves. I’ve been working on the guide for a bit now, and it’s going to be ready for fall. I often get asked if I can recommend a good book or resource for the construction method I use in my patterns, but I don’t know of one resource that covers everything quite the way I do things, so I decided to write my own. The guide walks you through using your own measurements to plan and calculate a sweater, and then at the end there is a super plain pattern that helps illustrate all of the information covered. There’s still a fair amount of work to do before it’s done, but I think it’s going to be great.






14 responses to “Good Things to Come”

  1. Oh I can not explain how excited I am about this!!! You are right, the sweater it’s self may not be that mind blowing, but the whole project is totally exciting. I can’t wait. I gushed about you and your patterns yesterday on my blog and gave lots of link love to your patterns, blog and revelry group. If you’d like to check it out, it’s here, Knitting in Pearls

  2. Kristina

    Looks great! Something else to look forward to this fall!

  3. threeoutside

    Egads, you’re a mind reader. I was thinking earlier this week that I might work up the courage to try knitting a sweater but have had poor luck with that – but maybe ! (I thought) if I could do a really plain one from scratch, with my own measurements…and here you are. Can’t wait to see it!

  4. That sounds brilliant!

  5. Honestly I’ve been kinda craving a plain full length sweater project. Plus I can see some great possibilities with this basic sweater. Then on top of it all, how awesome is it to have a Andi guide included!!! You’re right, good things to come! How exciting!

  6. Brilliant – what a skilful lady you are. My wool arrived today for the knit-a-long and I am really excited as I have never done one before and have no idea how the construction works or even what a wrap and turn is!

  7. Jo

    Sounds like you’ve been very busy but I really look forward to the finished result when it appears. I arrived home today from a few days away to find my yarn for the fall KAL had arrived. Super excited.

  8. Hilary

    Oh lovely idea to write a book Andi. Love the way you design the patterns with hardly any seams and clever way to get the sleeves to sit perfectly. Have nearly finished my ‘very late’ Myrna OAL, just picking up for the button band, and I’ve really enjoyed it. first time I’ve ever tried something like this. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share your designs and all the encouragement along the way!

  9. Eek! This is exciting!! I can’t wait for it to be out, it sounds like exactly something I’ve been looking for.

  10. I’m intrigued by the idea of a guide to your style of construction. I’m fond of ‘The Knitter’s Handy Book of Top-Down Sweaters’ as a starting point, and have found your style very similar, so I’m really interested to see how you diverge and converge. 🙂

  11. That sounds great! I’m looking forward to it, I have been wanting to try more top-down knitting, and with this, will it probably a good time to finally do it 😉

  12. I will definitely buy this. I was thinking of designing my own sweater and this will be really useful.

  13. awesome idea, as I get more and more into knitting I can’t get the idea of designing my own stuff out of my head! definitely interested in that guide!

  14. That’s so exciting! I’d better hurry up and get through the knitting basics so I can progress to your book at some point xx

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